Spinsday Wednesday

I haven’t felt like knitting much lately. Since taking a spinning class at my local guild I’ve become obsessed with spinning.

After class I spun up some random bits I had around my house. Most of it was merino, with some unknown bits of green that a lady made Ivy and I take when we went to the Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival. I don’t know why she made us take bits of combed top, but I assume it is because she is a wool drug dealer. The first hit is always free. The next thing you know you are blowing all our money on fleece. Note to self: ask Ivy if she remembers this at all, or if I was the only one approached by a wool dealer.

After spinning up the random bits around my house (which included at least 4 ounces of incredibly soft 19.5 micron merino combed top from Nikki Slipp). I decided to go wild and try one of the braids from HoneyGold Acres I picked up at the fiber festival I attended in November. The braid was US Rambouillet in the Annaliessa colorway. My spinning is improving in evenness, but is still wonky at times. I ended up with about 237 yards in 4 ounces, which works out to be close to DK weight. I look forward to knitting with this yarn.

Way back at the beginning of October I ordered finishing wax for my wheel. Today I finally took the time to wax my wheel, and I can’t believe how much prettier it looks. It went from plain wood to a beautiful honey color. It is enough to make me want to spin even more.

Next spring the kids and I are planning on planting a dye garden to dye light wool I’ve spun. If you have any experience with growing a dye garden or natural dying I would love your advice. I’m a total novice with any sort of dying.

I expect to be back to knitting tomorrow. Or at least winding my yarn for the KAL that starts on Sunday. As a reminder, you can join the skype cast on party if you send me your e mail address so I can add you.

23 thoughts on “Spinsday Wednesday

  1. The Japanese Indigo I grew this year was very easy and satisfying. Dyeing with indigo is more complicated, but you can do so many things with it, like the Hapazome I did on the fabric (by crushing leaves). The only other natural dyeing I’ve done is apple tree bark (not worth it), poke berries, and onion skins. Next year I’m hoping to try the tansy and black walnut hulls. I think the madder will take a few years before I can harvest the roots.

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  2. I have no experience with dyeing using plant materials. For what it’s worth, the Rodale Encyclopedia of Herbs recommends the following plants for the backyard herbal dye garden: Queen of the meadow, weld, golden marguerite, marigold, lady’s bedstraw, saffron, safflower, goldenrod, woad, st. john’s wort, zinnia and coreopsis tinctoria. I think most of these plants are suited to your growing zone.

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    1. Thank you! Two of those plants (marigold and zinnia) are plants I already grow. I guess I’ve had a dye garden without knowing it for a few years. I’ll look up the others and see what to add to the garden. I appreciate your help!

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    1. Thank you! I think I’m going to start a list of really good spinning advice and keep it on the wall by my wheel. Your comment is going up, along with Midnight Knitter telling me I can stop treadling when I get in trouble. Knitting bloggers are very helpful.


  3. Natural dyeing is fun, but more unpredictable than the acid dyes. I used to have bags of onion skins stuffed in odd places and then there was the brazilwood chips… I have some books and stuff that I can send you as I am really pruning and decluttering the house right now. I’ll look to see what I have. I even have mordants somewhere… Here in Colorado where I live it is illegal to grow woad. Check online for the noxious weeds in your state before you plant. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for that advice. I would love any natural dying stuff you are getting rid of. I’ll probably get into acid dyes eventually, but for now I’m telling myself that natural dying will be a good homeschool project. I just need to get it done before they decide they want to go to school.

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  4. AJ says:

    That is so cool that you’re getting the chance to spin. I bought a drop spindle, but am not yet comfortable with it. I really want to take a class, but Covid keeps ruining that. I have dreams of spinning, dyeing and then knitting:)


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