Doll Clothes

Both of my kids got fake American Girl dolls this weekend. They seem excited about them, which excites me as I loved playing with dolls when I was a kid. I decided to try and psyche them up about their dolls by sewing a few things for them.

Sewing doll clothes is great, because you don’t have to iron or pin the fabric. At least I don’t. They just have to fit a doll, I don’t care if they are a little wonky. I made t shirts, skirts, and a top today. I used fabric from my stash and a free pattern for the t shirt, so it was an inexpensive project. I even made a few things out of Audrey’s old crib sheet, which felt good to repurpose.

If you have any doll patterns or toy sewing suggestions please send them my way. I’m hoping to get back into sewing by making doll clothes.


Hello Blogville. I’ve been quiet again lately. I’ve been busy doing summer things and having fun and ignoring all of my arbitrary knitting rules.

That’s right. I’m ignoring my rules.

Finish a sweater before you cast on a new one? Pffft. I don’t want to. I’m going to cast on a new one.

Finish one pair of socks before you start a new pair? Whatever. I can start socks if I want to.

Get WIPs finished before you start new projects? As if.

I’m ignoring all of my knitting rules and it feels great.

For now I’m going to enjoy it. I’m going to cast on a new cowl soon. I’m going to drink beer on patios while working on a new pair of socks.

It’s summer. I’m going to enjoy myself and try to let go of the rules I set for myself. (Kathy B. you should stop reading here, even though I assure you everything was safe) Hell, I’m even going to let my six year old shoot a rifle and a shotgun. And I’m going to do that myself. I’m going to think about getting my own shotgun and a thingy that throws clay pigeons up into the air and figuring out how to shoot them down more than 1/6 times. I’m going to convince my husband to go on a vacation to South Dakota and I’m going to remember to ask Kathy for good places to stay in Rapid City. I’m going to take deep breaths and attempt to savor this time in my life.

So here’s to a summer of hiking and swimming and patios and living life to the fullest. Here’s to internet friends that bring me joy (even when I’m woefully behind on reading blogs). Here’s to breaking arbitrary knitting rules. Life is full of rules you make for yourself. If they are no longer serving a purpose it is OK to break them. You have my permission.

It’s summer. Go a little wild.

April, May, and June Reads

I fell behind on my book reviews. It is now time to catch up.


This Golden Fleece by Esther Rutter. This book is an interesting deep dive into traditional British wool. I did not love how she waxed poetical about being pregnant. If you are a wool nerd you will love this book. I give this book four out of five stars.

How to Knit a Love Song by Rachael Herron. A romance novel about knitters that was written by an actual knitter? Sign me up. This is a predictable romance, but with real knitting content. I give this book three out of five stars.

Shit, Actually by Lindy West. Oh my gosh this book is so funny. It is a collection of essays reviewing movies from the 90s and 00s through today’s lens. So. Very. Funny. I give this book four out of five stars.

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry. Predictable in the best way. Best friends vacation together every year. There is a falling out. This is an adorable book from the author of Beach Read. I give this book four out of five stars.


The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. Is this book well researched? Yes. Is this book well written? Oh heck yes. Is this book depressing as hell? Oh gosh yes. I give this book three out of five stars.

How to Knit A Heart Back Home by Rachael Herron. Well, once I discovered a romance series with accurate knitting content I had to read them all, didn’t I? This book might be my favorite of the series. Predictable. Fun. Knitting. I give this book three out of five stars.

Wishes and Stitches by Rachael Herron. So at this point the books start going downhill. Predictable. Knitting. I give this book two out of five stars.


Working with Wool: A Coast Salish Legacy & the Cowichan Sweater by Sylvia Olsen. The good news is some books on knitting don’t make you want to knit a project. The bad news is you will be searching eBay for a Cowichan sweater. This was a very interesting book about the Cowichan sweater. I give this book four out of five stars.

Cora’s Heart by Rachael Herron. Ooof. These books are really going downhill now. Not her best work. Still, not bad. I give the book two out of five stars.

Irish Aran by Vawn Corrigan. This book reads like a high school junior wrote one of those books they put in the rooms of big hotels in large cities. Do not read this book. You will not learn anything. I give this book zero stars.

Fiona’s Flame by Rachael. Fine. Could be good, but it is not great. I give this book two out of five stars.

Have you read anything good lately?

Sock It To Me Monday

I finished my June Knit Spin Farm Little Known Holidays Club socks. For the club I get the Targhee Sport base (90% Superwash Targhee, 10% Nylon) with a coordinating mini skein. The colorway is Rain Day.

Rain Day as explained by Knit Spin Farm: Rain Day is celebrated in a small town in Pennsylvania every year with umbrella decorating contests, lawn and window displays, and an award for civic leadership. It began in 1874 when a resident noted it always seemed to rain on his July 29th birthday. Records for the past 147 years show it has rained 115 times on Rain Day!

I’m very happy with this sock club. My goal is to finish each month’s socks before the next skein arrives. So far I’ve met that goal.