Sock It To Me Monday – Deja Vu All Over Again

I made sport weight Rose City Rollers out of the leftovers from the socks I finished last week. The ones that I was totally sure I had enough leftovers to complete a pair of shorties. Whelp, my estimate was off, but I had enough of the coordinating mini to finish them off.

Pride Month starts tomorrow, so I’ll be casting on a pair of rainbow socks soon.

FO Friday

I finished this had a few weeks ago, but I was on a blog break and never shared it. I love how this hat turned out. I enjoyed creating the chart and knitting a custom hat for my sister.

WIP Wednesday

At the beginning of the month my knitting group got together in person. We had beers on a patio and it was wonderful. We decided to do a KAL to celebrate getting to knit together in person and because Beth only knits if she is doing a KAL. We both had Drachenfels in our queues so we decided to make that.

I haven’t made much progress.

I’m using a kit from Mountain Meadow Wool, which is a mill I’ve wanted to try since I found out about it in an episode of Fiber Nation. I like the feel of the yarn in my hands, and I’m thrilled to be using an American product.

What are you working on this week?

Sock It To Me Monday

I took a break from blogging for a bit, but I did not take a break from knitting socks.

I made a new pair for John. These are knit in Pattons Kroy in the Blue Ragg colorway. I really like this yarn. John is hard on socks, so I’m hopeful these will be hard wearing.

I also made a pair of socks for my mom. I used my May Knit Spin Farms club yarn in the National Rose Month colorway (thin stripes of bright spring green and vibrant pink soft gradient blending of pale rose, ivory, and mint). I’m not usually a pink person, so I’m giving these to my mom. I have enough left over for a pair of Rose City Rollers, so those will happen eventually.

Now I’m either going to work on a shawl or cast on my first pair of Bluestockings. Maybe I’ll do a little bit of both.

Sock It To Me Monday

I finished a pair of Rose City Rollers knit in Tiny Human Knits yarn in the Thirty-Two colorway. The toes and heels are knit with Tiny Human Knits in the Packaging Plastic colorway. I had not intended to make these socks into shorties, but the day I cast them on I realized all of my shorty socks were dirty. Clearly I needed a new pair.

Are you working on socks this week?

Saturday Start

Today I’m casting on a hat for my older sister. She requested a Luther hat like my Iowa hat. I used a free website to create the chart. I was not able to change the orientation of the chart or the size of the chart, because I’m too cheap to pay for more features. I’m using the Bikey Hat pattern from Alterknit Stitch Dictionary for the hat pattern. I’m hoping the colorwork keeps me entertained until I get to the fun part of my Throughstone sweater.

Are you casting anything on today?