Spinning Class

Yesterday I took a spinning class at the Threads and Fiber Festival, a new festival in Des Moines. I was very excited to take the class because I have not been able to figure out drafting.

The scheduled teacher was sick, so we were upgraded to a class from Kay at the Shepard’s Mill in Kansas. After three hours I can kind of spin. I know enough to know how to practice, which is what I intend to do daily.

Class wore me out. My whole body was sore, because I was so tense trying to learn a new skill. I had a headache. I had to cancel plans to grab a beer with Laura and her husband, which was disappointing. Hopefully we can catch up the next time she is in town.

Saturday Start

Today I’m starting a red hat for my nephew. He is 11 and his favorite color is red. The red I’m using is less tomatoey in real life (Knit Picks Swish in Serrano). This hat has a lot of ribbing, which I’m not excited about. I do think it will be a hip hat for the best kid drummer I know.

FO Friday

Technically my Alaska hat is still blocking and I haven’t sewn on the pompom yet. I think I’m close enough to call this a FO.

I love the look of this hat. It reminds me of the view out of my kitchen window at sunset.

On Sundays We Tink

I’m spending my Sunday tinking back my Koro Koro to where I dropped stitches. Due to the unique construction of the shawl I am not able to rip it back. Normally I would pick up the stitches, but (again, due to the unique construction) I am not able to pick them up. I thought about ignoring it, but decided it would bug me too much.

Please tell me about a time you had to spend a long time fixing a project. I need knitting camaraderie to get me through this.