WIP Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! I’m still exhausted and busy and loving summer.

I’ve made some progress this week on my knits. I’m about an inch past the heel on my second watermelon sock. I’m on the first yellow W in the Wonder Woman Wrap.

Next week I hope to be done with the watermelon socks and on the second W in the Wonder Woman Wrap.

I hope you are staying busy!


WIP Wednesday

I would really like summer to slow down a bit. It feels like I was just writing my WIP post last week. I am not looking forward to being stuck inside this winter, but this week has been so hot we have been stuck inside a few days.

This week I finished my first watermelon sock. As you can see, they look good enough to eat. I usually make tall socks, but opted for a short sock. I’m pretty happy with them, I think I would go crazy if I had to knit that much stockinette without a pattern.


I’m still waiting on my knitting needles, so Audrey’s sweater is still hibernating. The cocoon cardigan continues to hibernate as well (I can’t bring myself to touch it when there is a heat advisory outside). My retirement cardigan is still tucked away in my closet waiting for me to find motivation to pull it out.

I’ve never had this many projects on the needles before. So what should I do? Cast on a Wonder Woman Wrap, obviously. I started two days ago and I’m making very slow progress. I think I’ll be working on this project for a long time. I got a few rows in while the kids napped yesterday, but usually it will be my evening project if I’m not watching a show that needs concentration. It feels good to be starting a new large project that I actually enjoy.

Next week I hope to get to the yellow in the Wonder Woman wrap and to the heel of the second watermelon sock. I hope you are able to resist the siren call of a new project before you finish a work in progress. Have a great week!

Socks for John

Last week I finished some socks for John. They were knit with hand me down yarn from Ivy.

I wish I knew what kind of yarn these are knit with so I could never knit with it again. The individual plys were not wound together well  and I constantly had one flopping about. 

I am glad these are done. I picked up some sock yarn today to make him another pair. I might be using his appreciation of hand knit socks to justify buying more yarn. 

WIP Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! This summer has been very busy for me, which has led to me forgetting to post for a few Wednesdays in a row. I’m still knitting, just not as much as I had been until summer hit.

I’m still waiting on my new size 8 needles to continue work on Audrey’s owl sweater. I ordered them from an outside vendor off of Amazon without checking the estimated shipping time. I have until August for them to arrive. That is a whole lot of waiting for needles. Lesson learned – sometimes you need to spring for expedited shipping.

I’m currently working on some watermelon inspired socks. I don’t have a pattern, so I’m making them up as I go along. I’m going to do a short row heel, which will be a change for me. I love a heel flap and gusset. I will post pictures next week.

I finished a pair of socks for John last night. As soon as I get pictures I’ll write a finished object post. He wore them today. I have a hand knit sock convert in the house. It is nice to have something to knit for him that he will wear regularly.

There you have it – my knitting in progress. It’s good for knitting to slow down when life gets crazy. I hope you are having a wonderful summer!