skinnytaste Week 26

This week I made Cobb Salad in a Jar with Buttermilk Ranch Dressing. I love Cobb salad, so I was very excited about this salad.

Not pictured is the avocado, which is added right before you eat the salad.

This salad was incredibly disappointing. It was bland. The dressing coated all of the delicious bits of food with what can only be described as a flavor suppressor. I ended up skipping the avocado after the first day because it added nothing to the salad and felt like a waste of a tasty avocado. I also learned to salt this salad. I’ve never added salt to a salad in my life. This salad had bacon and blue cheese, yet it needed salt to be palatable.

In short, don’t make this salad if you like Cobb salad.

WIP Wednesday

I only have one project actively on the needles. I’m making another pair of Rose City Rollers for my sister Mary-Claire. Last week she texted me a picture of herself in socks I made her last year. I think if you like knit socks enough to wear them in June you deserve a pair of short socks. The yarn is deep stash without a label. I’m thinking maybe Kroy? They should wear like iron and be machine washable, perfect for a non knitter.

I had another project on the needles last night, but it became clear I did not have enough yarn for the project. I’ll frog it tonight and try to find a new project for it. If you have any ideas for 200 yards of sport weight yarn please send them my way.

I hope you’re having a great week!

Sock It To Me Monday

I finished Audrey’s Rose City Rollers Socks in Rainbow Dashing by Yarn Geek Fibers. I love how fast these socks knit up. Audrey is very happy with them.

We’ve had a lazy morning. Instead of running errands, Elliot and I made sourdough crackers seasoned with Herbs de Provence. They are delicious, but the best part by far is having him as a helper in the kitchen.

I hope you are having a good start to your week. It’s going to be hot here this week, so I imagine we will be very lazy this week.

skinnytaste Week 25

This week I made Chickpea Salad with Cucumbers and Tomatoes. I love chickpeas. We always have a case of chickpeas from Costco on hand. This salad is right up my alley. I subbed red wine vinegar for the lemon juice because I forgot to buy it at the store. I am happy with the way it turned out that way and will probably make it that way again, as I regularly forget to buy lemons at the store.

The rabbits are eating my parsley, so this might be the only time I get to use garden parsley this year. The chipmunks are eating my strawberry plants, so I need to address how to keep them out or give up on strawberries. Luckily they are leaving the tomato alone and the lettuce is too high for bunnies, ground squirrels, and other neighborhood pests to bother.

Pollen Hat

I finished the pollen hat. It flew off the needles. It was such a fun pattern to knit. I highly recommend this pattern. Andrea Mowry comes up with such creative patterns.

I now need to decide if I’m going to pick up a project that is already on my needles or if I’m going to cast on a new project. I’m leaning towards casting on something new. I’m not feeling anything on the needles right now.

WIP Wednesday

Sometimes I don’t feel like knitting, but if I keep casting on projects I’ll eventually find something fun. This week it is the Pollen hat by Andrea Mowry. I’m using the Local Wool by Garden Wool & Dye Co. that I picked up last weekend.

I love this hat. The pattern is fun to knit. The yarn feels like it came from a sheep. The color is something I would normally not reach for, but it called to me when I saw it. The colors remind me of harvest time, which is around the time evenings get cool enough to pull on a hat. As a bonus, this hat is perfect for cheering on the Iowa Hawkeyes.

My playground knitting project is a pair of Rose City Rollers for Audrey in leftover Rainbow Dashing yarn.

I hope you are working on something you are enjoying this week.