WIP Wednesday: 37/52

Happy Wednesday! I’ve been knitting away this week, making progress on most projects. I haven’t touched my sock project at all. It feels weird to not be working on socks, but I’m just not feeling them.

I’m getting so close on my sweater. I’m actually to the point where I’m excited to be working on it because I’m so close to having a new sweater for fall. I just need to finish up the second sleeve.20180919_1242287837708890853937678.jpg

I started a stocking last week and made a 10 rows a day goal. I’ve been sticking pretty close to that, with the exception of yesterday when I did 10 rows and the heel. Doing 10 rows a day is perfect for me, as I don’t love colorwork and this breaks the project out. 20180919_1238243756778440712550706.jpgThis is the fifth stocking I’ve made from this collection. It is the first time I’ve made the heel as written without any issues. It was actually pretty simple and now I’m wondering why I ever had trouble with it. Has that ever happened to you?

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