Weekend Fun

Audrey and I are soaking up the mother-daughter experiences this year. We spent some time at Mom and Me camp at Girl Scout Camp Sacajawea this weekend. Audrey and I have made great friends through her Girl Scout Troop, and we spent Mom and Me with two of our good friends.

We swam. We practiced our archery skills. We hiked. We did some arts and crafts. We were all set to spend the night in a cabin in bunk beds.

Then we checked the weather. It looked like some big storms could be heading towards the camp. Audrey’s friend is scared of storms, so we decided to head home early. I was thrilled get out of sleeping in an uncomfortable bunk.

I’m grateful for the fun times I get to spend with Audrey. She is a fun kid, full of confidence and kindness. I am proud of the human she is becoming.

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