FO Friday

This spring has been crazy. I’ve been traveling (more on that later). I’ve been reading a lot. I have been recovering from a broken elbow (zero stars: do not recommend. You can neither knit nor spin with a broken elbow). I’m tempted to say things are going to slow down for me now, but that is a bold-faced lie, so I’m just going to say I’m going to try to be better about blogging and reading blogs because I miss this community.

I finished two objects recently out of handspun. I’m trying to knit more with my handspun, because I think working with the yarn will help me become a better spinner. Handspun also takes up a lot more room in the stash, so it feels like I’m really getting things out of my house when I knit with it.

I finished The Shift Cowl by Andrea Mowry in three natural colors. The fiber is from San Juan Woolworks and it was a delight to spin up. This cowl will be going to my sister in a couple of months for her birthday present.

I also made a striped hat out of smaller spins I had on hand. I used the Tin Can Knits Barley pattern as an inspiration. I made the hat for myself, but it will probably be used by the kids more than me.

I have several projects on the needles, but I don’t want to work on any of them. I’m looking for a new project to cast on to keep my hands busy. I used to worry about having too many projects on the needles, but not being able to knit for the first month of a broken elbow made me realize life is too short to work on projects I don’t want to work on.

Wish me luck finding a project that sparks joy.

7 thoughts on “FO Friday

  1. I love the Nightshift with the natural colours and it reminds me how much I liked knitting it and wearing my own. I think I may just need to cast on another for myself with some of my baby camel and silk handspun. The hat is super cute on your handsome model. I’m glad you’ve been able to have so many adventures recently and look forward to hearing more about them. Good luck with the pattern picking for your next cast on.

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