
Hello Blogville. I’ve been quiet again lately. I’ve been busy doing summer things and having fun and ignoring all of my arbitrary knitting rules.

That’s right. I’m ignoring my rules.

Finish a sweater before you cast on a new one? Pffft. I don’t want to. I’m going to cast on a new one.

Finish one pair of socks before you start a new pair? Whatever. I can start socks if I want to.

Get WIPs finished before you start new projects? As if.

I’m ignoring all of my knitting rules and it feels great.

For now I’m going to enjoy it. I’m going to cast on a new cowl soon. I’m going to drink beer on patios while working on a new pair of socks.

It’s summer. I’m going to enjoy myself and try to let go of the rules I set for myself. (Kathy B. you should stop reading here, even though I assure you everything was safe) Hell, I’m even going to let my six year old shoot a rifle and a shotgun. And I’m going to do that myself. I’m going to think about getting my own shotgun and a thingy that throws clay pigeons up into the air and figuring out how to shoot them down more than 1/6 times. I’m going to convince my husband to go on a vacation to South Dakota and I’m going to remember to ask Kathy for good places to stay in Rapid City. I’m going to take deep breaths and attempt to savor this time in my life.

So here’s to a summer of hiking and swimming and patios and living life to the fullest. Here’s to internet friends that bring me joy (even when I’m woefully behind on reading blogs). Here’s to breaking arbitrary knitting rules. Life is full of rules you make for yourself. If they are no longer serving a purpose it is OK to break them. You have my permission.

It’s summer. Go a little wild.

16 thoughts on “Howdy

  1. Well done you! And, so everyone knows, the picture of Audrey shooting the shotgun is 100% safe, and being done EXACTLY right! How do I know? I was in charge of the SD 4-H shooting sports program for 27 years….that’s 10,000 kids learning to shoot safely and with respect for human and wild life.😁 I have some great things that are fun, free and perfect for your kiddos! There’s tons of new hotels in town, so I would suggest you take a peek at Travelocity or something like that, to get an idea of what might be good and your price range, and I can advise or even go inspect. The rally is August 6-15, so avoid it unless you really want to see it. Very loud and congested when all the bikes are in the area, and hotels go up astronomically.

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    1. I’m thinking of September or October. I don’t want to be too hot. I will send you a list of places I’m thinking of and you can give me your thoughts. Thank you for your help! I think Audrey and I will be taking up shooting.

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  2. It’s best to view rules as guidelines, anyway! My philosophy about knitting is to just go with the flow and to buy new needles with reckless abandon. In time each project gets the fate it deserves, even if that is a totally rip out. 🙂 Enjoy your summer and stay safe!

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  3. I am spending hour after hour of my free time outside-rain or shine. I come in dirty, hot and tired. I love my summers! Needless to say, all indoor activities take a back seat. Yes, that includes dusting and laundry!

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